
Our Triumphant March

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. — United States Constitution, Amendment I

January 21, 2017 was a historic day. An estimated 3.2 million people throughout the nation joined the Women’s March, one of the biggest protests ever recorded in the United States. Attendance was much higher than expected, and women and their allies in the U.S. and around the world gave voice to their concerns about reproductive rights, violence and sexual harassment, equal pay, prejudice and bigotry, and more. I didn’t get to participate, but the images that poured in from social media and the news were a sight to behold. It’s something I’ll remember for a lifetime. (more…)

Last Year’s Words

The end of 2016 is just a few days away. I think many people will be happy to have this year over and done with. For me, 2016 has been like skipping through a wooded meadow, bending over to pick some wild blueberries, then being cracked across the skull by an angry Sasquatch who happened to be doing his business behind those bushes. We’ve lost some incredible people whose contributions to society will always be remembered: Prince, Carrie Fisher, David Bowie, Muhammad Ali, John Glenn, and Harper Lee, just to name a few. We’ve also witnessed some of the most shocking votes throughout the world: the passing of Brexit in the United Kingdom; the voter rejection of a peace deal between FARC and the Colombian government; and Duterte and Trump’s election victories in the Philippines and the U.S., respectively. There are problems at home (gun violence; Standing Rock; Flint, MI; hate crimes) and all around the globe, such as terrorist attacks and the refugee crisis, which will carry into the new year and beyond. (more…)

But That All Changed When The Fire Nation Attacked

It’s been seven days since the end of the historic and crazy U.S. presidential election of 2016. I’m still trying to process the reality that Donald J. Trump is the president-elect of the United States and how that will impact my life for the next four years. As a writer, I’ve always allowed ideas to ripen in my head before I pluck them, prep them, and serve them on the page. Regarding the election, I’m not sure if I’m ready to express my thoughts, but there are times when physically seeing my words actually helps me to navigate the mixed emotions roiling within. So, here goes. (more…)