Presenting: ELO Hell

I haven’t been writing much in the past few months. Motivation has been hard to come by, especially with the current state of the world battling one of the worst pandemics in recent memory.

Being in quarantine has given me some unexpected free time, and I tend to doodle on MS Paint whenever I’m bored. Recently, these random doodles have begun to take a life on their own. They were originally just for my amusement, but I’ve decided to collect some of these ideas and turn them into comic strips to share with others. I’m no Da Vinci, but I hope these strips will provide a smile, perhaps even a chuckle, during these difficult times.

So I present to you, dear reader, the inaugural issue of “ELO Hell,” a comic strip focusing on the everyday gamer life. Starring Leon, an awkward gamer with a bit of a crazy side, and Mikey, his friend and pet turtle who always keeps it real. Enjoy!

ELO Hell 1

If it’s too small, click here for the full image.

It’s my hope to turn this into a weekly comic strip. Stay tuned for the next one!


Edit: For more comics, visit the “ELO Hell” archive here.

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